Avaliações 15
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7 meses antes

I recently had the opportunity to learn about Drea...

I recently had the opportunity to learn about Dream Foundation and their mission to fulfill dreams for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses. I am truly inspired by their commitment to bringing joy, hope, and happiness to these individuals. The Dream Foundation team works tirelessly to create meaningful experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. I highly recommend supporting this incredible organization and making a difference in the lives of those facing challenging circumstances.

8 meses antes

😍 Dream Foundation is such an amazing organization...

😍 Dream Foundation is such an amazing organization! Their mission to grant dreams and create lasting memories for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses is incredibly touching. The joy and hope they bring to the lives of these individuals is immeasurable. I have personally witnessed the impact Dream Foundation has had on families, and it's truly heartwarming. Their dedication and compassion are unmatched. I can't recommend Dream Foundation enough for their incredible work in making dreams come true.

8 meses antes

Recently, I had the opportunity to support an incr...

Recently, I had the opportunity to support an incredible organization that is making dreams come true for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses. They are dedicated to providing hope, joy, and happiness to these individuals and their families. The impact they have on their dream recipients is truly remarkable. I am amazed by the dedication and passion of the Dream Foundation team. I highly recommend getting involved and supporting this wonderful organization!

9 meses antes

I had the privilege of working with an organizatio...

I had the privilege of working with an organization that is dedicated to fulfilling dreams for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses. Their commitment to bringing joy, hope, and happiness to these individuals is truly exceptional. The Dream Foundation team goes above and beyond to create meaningful experiences and make dreams a reality. I was truly moved by the impact they have on the lives of their dream recipients. I highly recommend supporting Dream Foundation and their mission to provide comfort and solace to those in need.

10 meses antes

🌈 Dream Foundation is a truly amazing organization...

🌈 Dream Foundation is a truly amazing organization that is making dreams come true for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses. Their mission to provide hope, joy, and happiness to these individuals and their families is incredibly inspiring. I have personally witnessed the impact Dream Foundation has had on families, and it's truly heartwarming. Their dedication and compassion are unmatched. I can't recommend Dream Foundation enough for their incredible work in making dreams come true.

11 meses antes

Dream Foundation is an amazing company to work wit...

Dream Foundation is an amazing company to work with! Their dedication to making dreams come true is truly inspiring. The staff is friendly and professional, and they go above and beyond to ensure that each dream recipient has a unique and memorable experience. I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the joy and happiness that Dream Foundation brings to individuals and their families. It is truly heartwarming. I highly recommend supporting Dream Foundation and their mission to give hope and create lasting memories for those in need.

11 meses antes

🌟 Dream Foundation is an organization that I am tr...

🌟 Dream Foundation is an organization that I am truly grateful for. Their mission to grant dreams and create lasting memories for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses is truly inspiring. The joy and happiness they bring to the lives of these individuals is immeasurable. I have personally witnessed the impact Dream Foundation has had on families, and it's truly heartwarming. Their dedication and compassion are unmatched. I can't recommend Dream Foundation enough for their incredible work in making dreams come true.

1 ano atrás

The Dream Foundation is an organization that I hol...

The Dream Foundation is an organization that I hold close to my heart. Their mission to fulfill dreams for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses is incredibly important. The impact they have on these individuals and their families is immeasurable. Dream Foundation creates life-changing moments and memories that stay with the dream recipients forever. I have personally seen the joy and happiness they bring to the lives of those in need. I highly recommend supporting this wonderful organization!

1 ano atrás

I recently had the opportunity to support Dream Fo...

I recently had the opportunity to support Dream Foundation, and I am in awe of the incredible work they do. Their mission to grant dreams and create lasting memories for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses is truly remarkable. The impact they have on the lives of these individuals is immeasurable. Their kindness, compassion, and dedication are inspiring. I highly recommend getting involved with Dream Foundation and supporting their mission to bring joy and hope to those in need.

1 ano atrás

I recently came across a nonprofit organization th...

I recently came across a nonprofit organization that is doing incredible work to fulfill dreams and make a positive impact on people's lives. They are dedicated to making dreams come true for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses, providing them with hope, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose. Their commitment to their mission is truly inspiring, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to support their cause. They go above and beyond to create life-changing experiences, and I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone looking to make a difference.

1 ano atrás

Dream Foundation is an organization that is truly ...

Dream Foundation is an organization that is truly changing lives. Their commitment to fulfilling dreams for individuals facing life-threatening illnesses is commendable. The impact they have on their dream recipients is immeasurable. I have seen firsthand the joy and happiness they bring to these individuals and their families. The Dream Foundation team is dedicated, compassionate, and truly believes in the power of dreams. I highly recommend supporting this incredible organization!

4 anos atrás

Contribuímos para essa fundação todos os meses. Os...

Contribuímos para essa fundação todos os meses. Os funcionários são maravilhosos e comprometidos. Muitas atividades administradas para a comunidade de Santa Bárbara por meio desta organização muito atenciosa.

4 anos atrás

Minha filha foi diagnosticada com câncer em 9/2016...

Minha filha foi diagnosticada com câncer em 9/2016 e seu desejo era levar seus 3 filhos pequenos para a Disneylândia pela primeira vez, eles ofereceram Hotel, ingressos para 2 dias e dinheiro para transporte ou alimentação. bem, toda vez que essa data veio, ela estava no hospital. ela faleceu em 17/09 e nunca mais pôde levar as crianças, então eu perguntei se eu podia e eles disseram que sim, mas o hotel e o dinheiro não estavam mais disponíveis para mim desde que ela havia falecido, bem, a essa altura nós só tinha 3 meses para passar agora as férias estavam se aproximando e havia poucos dias que poderíamos ir, mas exigiria que as crianças faltassem à escola e eles estavam lutando com a perda de sua mãe, quando programamos para ir , A Disneylândia foi fechada devido a um surto de doença dos legionários, então agora a maior parte do mês foi bloqueada e não podíamos ir, então agora, no início do novo ano, disseram que os ingressos não estavam mais disponíveis e eu teria que comprar. muito decepcionante como uma avó solteira com 3 filhos para criar e agora ter que dizer a eles que não podem ir agora. Achei que alguém já pagou por isso como meu último desejo de minha filha. Acho que não é que ela se foi, não importa.

4 anos atrás

Uma organização INCRÍVEL! Minha irmã foi diagnosti...

Uma organização INCRÍVEL! Minha irmã foi diagnosticada com câncer de mama em estágio 4 muito jovem. Foi chocante. Ela tinha dois desejos, ou ver minha filha de 3 meses e eu ou ir para a Disneylândia com a família. A Dream Foundation possibilitou que minha filha e eu nos juntássemos à minha irmã e ao resto da família para ir à Disneylândia. Foi uma experiência memorável e irei guardá-la para sempre! Obrigado Dream Foundation.

4 anos atrás

Um desejo, se você tivesse apenas 7 dias de vida.

Um desejo, se você tivesse apenas 7 dias de vida.
Qual seria o seu único desejo?
A fundação dos sonhos e nossa coordenadora, a Sra. Shersy Benson, se esforçaram para ajudar a mim e a meus dois filhos, colocando um sorriso no rosto de minha mãe.
Por causa da fundação do sonho, que dá esperanças e sonhos a famílias sem esperança devido a doenças fatais.
Eles me deram a força para homenagear minha mãe por meio deste romance chamado One Wish.
E agora sua futura organização para ajudar outras mulheres com câncer uterino em toda a América.
Mamãe e mamãe me ensinou não apenas a alcançar as estrelas, mas a se tornar uma estrela.
Em Loving Memory of my mother,
Theresita Fields 16 de outubro de 1948 26 de outubro de 2012.
