8 meses antes

Athey Creek é minha igreja local e sou muito grato...

Athey Creek é minha igreja local e sou muito grato pelo bom e verdadeiro ensino bíblico que recebo do pastor Brett. A ÚNICA reclamação que tenho é que, como novato, compareci sozinho, semana após semana, e ninguém me disse uma palavra. Não é uma sensação particularmente calorosa e confusa, mas o ensinamento é incrível! Eu fico entusiasmado com outros aspectos da minha vida :-)


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Greetings Angela,

I too am an Athey Creeker since 2017 & wanted to reach out to see you are still attending? It is a large church and hard to get connected but I’d love to meet up at a women’s event, or for a cup of coffee sometime. We’ve been going for quite a while, but admittedly, it took us about 3 to 4 years before we really got connected and that was the difficult part about attending such a large church. Many people mean well, but we just don’t know where to start because the church has grown so fast! But Brett actually gave a sermon a year or two ago that asked the congregation to start reaching out and taking a few extra minutes to introduce ourselves to someone we don’t know or pray with someone who we can see is upset or struggling. I stumbled on your post, looking for something else, but reply and we’ll get connected!!

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