5 meses antes

Certas/Homefuels Direct

Below is a review I left of Homefuels Direct, which is basically Certas, so I thought I'd share my experience for those considering going direct (spoiler alert - DON'T)

Price is good but that's where it ends. Having made a number of orders with them, all of them have taken the maximum amount of time estimated and never turned up on the day they notified it would. If your delivery is on a Friday forget it, you wont see them until the following week, that's happened to me twice now. They also don't respond to queries through the online form, you have to get their number online if you want to speak to someone.
Written in great frustration because, anticipating higher usage over Christmas and longer lead times I ordered oil before Christmas but it didn't turn up today as advised and I have run out of oil.

Reading some other reviews other seem to be having the same issue as me but struggle to contact them. They are part of Certas Energy and the number is 0345 600 4040

Update on 10/1/24

Still no oil! 6 days without heat or hot water. I have been speaking regularly with Certas Customer Services, who are very nice but as much use as an ash tray on a motorbike. They can't call the depots only email them or send a message through some internal written comms system, which I'm certain is completely ignored by the depots, who don't care because they know that they don't have to answer to anyone. They don't know where the depots are, although 30 seconds on the internet solved that one. They have absolutely no influence whatsoever over your delivery so can do nothing but tell you what the website can, they have no ability to offer any service whatsoever.
The excuse every day has been that the driver ran out of time, yet I was told this morning that I was the 10th delivery so should be with me mid-morning. Which is EXACTLY what I was told this evening when I rang to hear the same rubbish they've been spouting all week. I've probably got the truck that only does 9 deliveries!

I'm supplied by their Bristol Branch who clearly couldn't organise the proverbial in a brewery.

Also noted that their price comparison graph comparing them to BoilerJuice is extremely deceptive because in my area the aren't at the moment. I think they are probably picking their lowest price and BoilerJuice's highest, which is for an emergency delivery.

I responded to their message below (you cant see it in this post, but check other bad reviews to see it because it's boilerplate), which was followed up by 2 standard emails, the first saying that my query had been sent to the 'relevant dept' and the second, today, saying that my query hadn't been dealt with in the timeframe, but not to worry because they were still dealing with and would come back to me soon.

What a shower of muppets. The short story is they just don't care about service levels and are big enough that they don't care about your custom either, so have put a pointless customer service in place as a buffer to fob you off.

Stick to your local supplier and pay a bit more.


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