3 meses antes

Forget customer service it doesn't exist,

Forget customer service it doesn't exist,
I placed a large order several thousand dollars. I got an email after a couple of days they didn't have the peas did I not to wait though no eta but maybe 5 weeks.

I replied just return the money and cancel that part.

When I asked a couple of days later she said she get back to me in the morning and never did.

Okay, they don't care about their customers I guess but then today I'm in Vermont several hours away and see a huge order many boxes was delivered.

They never gave me a heads up, never said it shipped, when it would arrive or just simply say hey, orders on the way here the tracking. No such luck with them.

As the order was lft in the sun and tonight will freeze, I had a neighbor go over and drove back to get it in the house because the neighbor could only put in the shed or garage where the weather will be freezing tonight.

She said a couple of boxes the bulk items weren't put in mylar bags, which I don't know if they even use, their site says aluminum, but the bulk she sent me a picture was n blue garbage bags.

Okay still waiting to see if they refunded the peas and just can't wait to buy from a more reputable company.

I suggest if you buy from them you check of the packs are mylar cause I beluee it's not, so to make them last transfer to mylar and know if you buy bulk it comes in what appears to be garbage bags.

I'm disgusted but learned a lesson to read more into things as they're not transparent unless you go through the whole website they won't say on each page that if you order the bulk you need to transfer to your own storage, and again, I only now see they use aluminum bags which I'm pretty sure isn't mylar and not good for long term, they do say two years to use before.

This supposedly is sold as survival food though?


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