Sobre companhia

THWAPR provides a mobile to mobile service that allows users to share videos or photos with anyone on any phone across any network, regardless of device or carrier. THWAPR provides the ability of mobile users to share videos and photos ("Thwaps") they capture on their mobile with any other mobile users, easily and instantly. This function, while intuitively simple, is virtually impossible to achieve with current technologies or simply using a handset. Inter-operability issues with carriers and devices make the experience of sharing videos and photos from a mobile phone to another a very frustrating, cumbersome and difficult experience. THWAPR promises not only to solve this problem but is striving to do so in the most user-friendly way. THWAPR offers compatibility with the largest possible number of carriers and handset. The result is an experience ("Thwapping") that allows users to share moments with anyone regardless of device or carrier.

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