Herdwatch, farming app & software package

Sobre Herdwatch, farming app & software package

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Sobre companhia

Cattle farmers are busy feeding billions of people, and they are tired of wasting time on farm paperwork. Herdwatch saves them valuable time by allowing them to manage farm compliance and animal events anytime, anywhere, for less than 30c a day. Almost 1,000 farmers have already signed up in Ireland in 12 months, and Herdwatch is launching in the UK in the next few months. Herdwatch is unique because it combines mobility, ease of use, offline capabilities, cloud backup, and ensures compliance with animal remedies regulations. It can be used on 95% of devices and computers, as it is compatible with iOS, Android, OSX and Windows. With 2 million cattle farmers in US & EU alone, Herdwatch has global potential, given the right attention and funding.

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