Sobre companhia

ABRF Group AB was founded in 2015 and has quickly grown into one of Sweden's largest players in the BRF segment. The company develops digital and innovative services for consumers, companies and tenant-owner associations. We have Sweden's largest BRF database with information on about 22,000 operational tenant-owner associations. The database includes information about the association's finances, real estate, apartments, sales and board. Every month we update current information on about 4,500 tenant-owner associations. launched in 2015 and currently has more than 120,000 unique visitors each month. This makes the service Sweden's largest digital platform for tenant-owner associations. target group is speculators, residents and the board of a tenant-owner association. Through a free membership, the board can profile its association at, take part in membership offers and read a digital newsletter, bofocus. Read more about bofocus here.

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