3 meses antes

Introductions Inc & Alexandra Freeman

Hello, I am Janice from DC, and I am here to put in a positive word for Introductions Inc., and their lead matchmaker Alexandra Freeman.

I am a lawyer in the DC area, and dating has been difficult, to say the least. You would think that with all the websites and apps available to us nowadays, dating would be amazing, but it's the exact opposite. Online dating tests your patience - are you willing to weed out the 99 to find the 1 who actually wants to meet offline? Do you know the sweet-sounding message was also sent to 50 other women? I turned to matchmaking after being disillusioned with the quality of men on dating sites, and I am so glad I did.

Working with a matchmaker was refreshing, and assuring, from the get-go. There are relationship-minded men out there, who have invested in their education, financial stability, and physical and mental well-being, just like you have. But most likely, you won't find them on plenty of fish. And even if you did, you will most likely miss them in the crowd.

Introductions Inc. is a boutique service (the term Alexandra used in her introductory call), which means that she only has a few clients she personally works with at any given time. This makes a world of difference, even compared to other more "corporate" matchmaking services, because you are not just another profile to be passed around.

I don't want to make this company sound like magic. I went on 7 dates before I met the one, and I was shown maybe around double that number of profiles, some of which I wasn't keen on meeting. At the end of the day, there is a real person who also has to show interest in you (there is no blind dating). Their matchmaking process is very hands-on and vastly superior to online dating or apps.

I am getting married this year, thanks to Alexandra's team, and the least I can do to tell other serious, relationship-minded gals (and guys) that there are others out there just like you and Introductions Inc can help in your search.

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